Cochlear Implant Surgery

This is done for children with severe to profound hearing loss that are not benefitted by amplification with most powerful hearing aids. The surgery involves implantation of the electrode array into the defective cochlea while the rest of the receiver stimulator system are placed under a skin pocket behind the pinna. The implant also called as the bionic ear stimulates the nerve of hearing to provide hearing signals to the brain.

Bone Conduction Hearing Devices

A bone conduction hearing device can be used by people with problems of the external or middle ears such microtia, atresia, otosclerosis or a previously failed ear surgery. It transfers sound by bone vibration directly to cochlea, bypassing the outer and middle ears. It can also be used in a condition called single sided deafness (SSD). Surgical and non surgical options are available for bone conduction hearing devices.

Endoscopic CSF Leak Repair Surgery

CSF (cerebro spinal fluid) can leak through the nose for various reasons leaving the patient with a risk of meningitis and life threatening complications. This leak can be repaired endoscopically using ones own tissue from inside the nose or with biocompatible materials. Endoscopic Endonasal surgery has a high success rate and is the gold standard of intervention in such situations.

Endoscopic Sinonasal Tumor Surgery

A variety of tumors affect the nasal and sinus cavities across all age groups. Many of these are amenable to endoscopic (scarless) surgery owing to the advances in armamentarium of instrumentation available with a high margin of safety and precision. They can be diagnosed with a combination of symptoms reported and endoscopic OPD biopsis following which safe surgery can be planned.

Glomus Jugulare Tumor Surgery

Glomus Tumors belong to a group of highly vascular (blood filled) pathologies that affect the temporal bone (ear), neck and brain. They are notorious for encasement of vital structures (blood vessels and cranial nerves) in the ear and neck that make the surgery technically demanding. However, owing to the advances in intra operative equipment such as nerve monitors, hand held dopplers and navigation, safe surgery with gratifying outcomes is possible in the dreaded disease.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aid is a small electronic device that amplify sound through a three part system: the microphone, amplifier and the speaker. They are available in various styles and customisations and can be used for hearing amplification in different types of hearing loss across all age groups.

Endoscopic Pituitary Adenoma Surgery

The pituitary gland is a master control gland located at the base of the brain. It produces hormones that inturn regulate growth, metabolism and reproduction. Tumours of the pituitary gland are fairly common. Endoscopic Endonasal approach is an efficient minimally invasive procedure to remove pituitary safely with predicable outcomes.
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